Highlights of the Nova Scotia budget re-introduced Tuesday:

- Surplus of $21.3 million is projected on a spending program of about $10.5 billion, $4.6 million lower than the surplus in the budget shelved on April 27, prior to the election campaign.

- The Liberals are spending an additional $6.2 million on funding for health, after an election campaign that focused on problems in the health care system.

- A development on the Halifax waterfront is receiving an additional $4.7 million in capital grants for an environmental clean-up of the site.

- Revenue is down overall $13.1 million compared to earlier budget, while departmental spending is up $19.1 million.

- An extra $1 million was allotted to Cape Breton University.

- Confirms spending of an additional $2.5 million to support science and innovation in the fish and seafood sector, as part of a $38 million program over seven years.