HALIFAX – Haligonians are falling victim to HRM's parking ban. Although the roads and weather may appear fine, the ban is still in effect during weather warnings.

"I was home by 8 o'clock, I don't understand it. There was no snow," said HRM resident, Gerry Dunphy.

Between one and 6 a.m. Saturday morning, parking enforcement officers handed out more than 600 winter parking ban tickets. One ticket is $50.

"The snow ban is not about money, it's about keeping streets clear so that the snow plow operators can do their job," said Mayor Peter Kelly.

Some residents are calling the ticketing spree a cash grab.

"The idea behind the parking ban is so the snow removal can take place and I fully understand the need for it. I just wish HRM would display better judgment when clearly no snow removal is needed," said Will Walsh who was also ticketed.

Mayor Kelly said the snow removal equipment was monitoring the streets after the city received complains about inadequate snow removal after last week's storm.

"… things don't go the way they were supposed to so basically we were being proactive to make sure that we don't go through the same thing again," said Mayor Kelly.

The parking ban will be announced through social media and local news stations.