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Canada Day citizenship ceremony held in Halifax


On Monday, 44 people from 17 countries became Canadian citizens at a ceremony at Halifax’s Pier 21.

The ceremony included a signature roundtable, an opportunity for people to hear firsthand about each new Canadians journey to citizenship and an official citizenship ceremony, according to an email from the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC).

Halifax Mayor Mike Savage said having a citizenship ceremony on Canada Day in Pier 21 is very special to him.

“The swearing of new Canadians on this day in this place is a very special thing for me and I know it’s a very special day for all of these new Canadians who are excited. I think everyone in the country should go to one of these one day,” he said.

“To see the pride in their faces on a day like today and waving the flag, singing the anthem in both official languages, it’s been special.”

The ceremony is one of 60 citizenship ceremonies the ICC and Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) with hold across Canada this year, said the ICC.

With files from CTV Atlantic's James Kvammen.

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