
  • 4 medium russet potatoes, baked
  • 1 1/2 c all purpose flour
  • 1 large egg
  • Salt


  1. Bake potatoes in an oven, 350f for 30 - 40 mins. Cool.
  2. Cut baked potatoes in half lengthwise. Shred with cheese grater or potato ricer.
  3. Combine 1 cup shredded potato, flour and egg in a large bowl.
  4. Knead until dough forms a ball. Shape small portions of the dough into long "snakes".
  5. On a floured surface, cut snakes into half-inch pieces.
  6. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Drop in gnocchi and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until gnocchi have risen to the top; drain.
  7. In a pan on medium heat, add a small amount of cooking oil or butter and sear gnocchi until golden brown on at least one side. Combine with your preferred sauce and cheese.
  8. Serve.