Hi Everyone!

I spent some time with a Maritime designer and entrepreneur earlier today. 

Eric Miller and his wife started Dartmouth Clothing Company about two years ago, and since then their unique designs have captured the attention of proud Maritimers everywhere. 

While they focus on Dartmouth and its landmarks, they’ve also produced tees for the North End of Halifax and Spryfield… and he assures me, the plan is to expand the brand to envelope all of Metro Halifax.

You can find the tees at Fresh Goods on South Park Street (Halifax), and also Biscuit General Store on Argyle (Halifax). 

But don’t fret if you’re not in the HRM, Eric says they’ve sent shirts as far away as Australia!  

Come to think of it, they’d make a great gift for displaced Maritimers… imagine seeing someone in a “Donair” shirt somewhere other than our region?  It would be a dead give-away they were representing the East Coast! 

By the way, my favourite shirt is the “Donair” shirt… but “Take a Ride to the Darkside” and “The Clyde Street Pirate” come in a close second.

To check out all the designs and to order online, click here.



The Viral File
And here’s what’s trending today…

A new summer sport…

A Mini Back Flip
I’d hate to attempt this for the first time…

Tiny Frog
Cute sound…


Thanks for stopping by!

PS.  If you're here looking to enter the Celtic Woman Contest, you're in wrong place!  Click here.

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