If you’re looking for Tulip Street in Dartmouth, leave the map and GPS at home and simply follow the flowers.

From top to bottom, Tulip Street is in full bloom with roughly 10,000 of the colourful spring flowers.

Area resident Sam Austin starting planting tulips in front of his home two years ago and his neighbours quickly took notice.

“When they bloomed it was just so spectacular. It got people smiling,” says Austin, a member of the Tulip Street Beautification Society. “There were so many people who were stopping to take pictures that I got the idea, wouldn’t it be nice if everyone did this.”

The idea quickly blossomed among his neighbours, who liked the idea of a tulip-lined Tulip Street. So, last fall they got together and had a planting party.

The idea was supported by donations and community groups.

“They’re beautiful and everyone can be proud of all the work they’ve done,” says Mitch Dickey, whose tulips were among the first to pop up on the street.

“It’s a reminder of how everyone came out and worked together, and to see so many tulips, I think there are about 10,000 on the street, coming up at the same time if pretty impressive,” says Dickey.

Mail carrier Linda Vaykovich says she loves walking down Tulip Street.

“I think it’s awesome. It’s so pretty to walk down,” she says. “Everyone seems to have put some effort into their boulevards.”

“The main thing that would be really great to see as we go forward would be if Rose Street and Thistle Street, Delia Street, because there are lots of flower streets here in Dartmouth, if they end up getting in on it in the ears ahead,” says Austin.

The tulips have given their namesake street a lot of exposure, resulting in a beautiful spring and colourful neighbourhood spirit.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Kelland Sundahl