A Nova Scotia man convicted of killing two teenage sisters while driving dangerously nearly two decades ago was sentenced Monday for an impaired driving incident.

In 1995, Ralph Parker drove his sports car onto a lawn in Dartmouth, hitting four people who were waiting for a bus.

Renee Lee Orichefsky, 15, and her sister Danielle, 13, were killed and two others were injured.

No breath samples were ever taken but Parker admitted to having some beer before getting behind the wheel. He was convicted of four charges, including two counts of dangerous driving causing death, and served two years less a day of house arrest.

On May 17, 2013, Parker was pulled over on the Magazine Hill by an RCMP officer who noticed his vehicle had a flat tire.

He smelled alcohol on Parker’s breath and asked him to blow into a breathalyzer. Parker made four attempts but they were deemed improper attempts. He was then detained and the officer found 3.5 grams of marijuana in his pocket.

The Crown told the judge that Parker broke down crying in the police station and that he had thanked the officer for arresting him, saying he had been through three other road checks while drinking.

Parker, 38, appeared in Dartmouth provincial court on Monday where he pleaded guilty to impaired driving and possession of a controlled substance.

The judge sentenced Parker to two years’ probation, over $2,100 in fines and 50 hours of community service. His licence is also suspended for two years.

Crown prosecutor Cheryl Byard says jail time wasn’t necessary.

“When he was arrested by Cpl. Cameron he was very cooperative. He broke down, he was very emotional and admitted to him what he had done in the past, so it was clearly on his mind,” says Byard.

“He thanked the police for stopping him because he had gotten through, according to him, three checkpoints before, so very early on his lawyer contacted me and said that he wanted to resolve it from the very first time that he appeared in court so I thought it was appropriate.”

The father of five did not speak on his way in or out of court but he told the judge he was sorry for his actions.

His lawyer, Jennifer Chiasson, says he had a brief period of relapse and has been attending AA and Narcotics Anonymous meetings.

Mother Mary Louise Orichefsky says she still forgives Parker for killing her daughters but is disappointed in his actions. She wants to see harsher punishments for impaired drivers.

“I’d like to see that people that are picked up for drinking and driving lose their vehicles,” says Mary Louise Orichefsky.

“If we’re out there jacking deer we lose our vehicles. I mean, deer are more important than people?”

With files from CTV Atlantic's Jayson Baxter