FREDERICTON - Environment Minister Margaret-Ann Blaney has apologized for suggesting the Conservation Council of New Brunswick incited illegal behaviour during protests over the exploration for shale gas in the province.

Stephanie Merrill, a spokeswoman for the environmental lobby group, said Blaney made the apology Thursday afternoon on a radio talk show.

Merrill said the council accepts the apology but would have preferred to have heard from the minister directly.

"We asked for an apology," she said. "We just really hope that, moving forward, this apology gets turned into real action on the ground and we have an environment minister who starts protecting the environment and communities of New Brunswick."

Southwestern Resources Canada announced this week it was putting its seismic testing in the province on hold until next year, citing safety concerns for its workers.

The company said equipment had been stolen and vandalized, and manager Tom Alexander alleged some employees were assaulted.

Police haven't said if they are investigating the allegations.

Merrill said the council doesn't condone such activity but is opposed to shale gas exploration in the province and will continue to educate the public on the environmental concerns.

She said there have been no studies on the impact of shale gas production, including on public health.

"Those studies need time to be undertaken," said Merrill. "We just really feel like, not in the foreseeable future, that this industry can be proven safe."

The minister didn't return a message to her office seeking comment.