The Cape Breton Regional Municipality is considering allowing dogs on the boardwalk in Sydney in an effort to bring more people to the waterfront.

Peter Roser moved back to Cape Breton 12 years ago and says he found it strange there were no dogs allowed on the city’s boardwalk.

“It seemed a little out of place compared to any place else I’ve ever visited. Even close places like Halifax, even Cheticamp and further, like Quebec City,” says Roser.

Coun. Eldon MacDonald agrees and says the idea will be discussed at the next council meeting.

“It’s an issue we have to look at,” says MacDonald. “I know we have to look at becoming a dog-friendly type of community. There’s other municipalities in the province and elsewhere that have regulations in regards to having pets on leash.”

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality has been looking at ways to increase pedestrian traffic along the waterfront in Sydney for a while.

With the return of amplified music and the possible lifting of the dog ban, some are hoping the boardwalk will be booming once again.

“The boardwalk was put here, of course, for the enjoyment of the public and it’s been under-utilized the last number of years and I’m hoping that will change this summer,” says MacDonald.

While dog lovers are welcoming the idea, others say dogs on the waterfront may bemore trouble than they are worth.

“I don’t see why they would do that, because there’s a lot of other places that they can walk their dogs without walking them here,” says resident Reg Currie.

“There’s a lot of elderly people that walk here and I just don’t think it would be a good idea,” says Dennis Hollohan.

Roser says he would use the boardwalk more if he was allowed to bring his dogs, but admits the decision is beyond his control.

“I’m not the one that makes the decisions and I’ll respect any decision that is made,” he says.

Council expects to make a decision on the matter soon.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Kyle Moore