DUTCH SETTLEMENT, N.S. -- Someone stole a toilet, and the internet is amused.

Nova Scotia RCMP say a Royal Flush portable toilet was stolen from a worksite in Dutch Settlement, northeast of Halifax, sometime between Jan. 26 and Jan. 31.

Police are hoping someone saw the blue portable toilet going down the road in the back of a truck or being hauled by an all-terrain vehicle.

Cpl. Dal Hutchinson says the RCMP's social media sites are flush with jokes on the theft.

"One in particular is that police have nothing to go on," he said.

Another says police are trying to "flush" out a suspect.

"Social media has lit up with regards to this," Hutchinson said. "At least we have people talking about it and thinking about it. Hopefully someone will come forward with some information so that we can locate that portable toilet."

Hutchinson said there were other comments he wouldn't repeat, including many variations on a scatological theme.

Police noted that "the portable toilet was empty at the time of its theft."

It is described as being blue with a white roof and red trim.

Anyone with information is asked to call the RCMP or Crime Stoppers.