MONCTON, N.B. -- As restaurants begin to reopen in Moncton's downtown core, the city is making a move to boost business on Main Street.

"The concept that came forward was a one-way street between Botsford Street to Lutz Street and the one-way traffic would flow from the east to the west," said Kevin Silliker of the City of Moncton.

With the limited capacity of tables inside restaurants and cafes due to COVID-19 protocols, the idea is to make more room for patio expansions.

"I think it'll definitely compact Main Street, that's for sure, but I think the reason's great," said Trevor Arsenault.

While vehicle traffic will be cut down to one lane, there are plans to make it more accessible for bikes and pedestrians.

"We've added a concept of a bi-directional two-way bike lane on the south side of Main Street," Silliker said.

The current bylaw does not allow businesses to expand patios in front of neighbouring businesses, but the city says it is making exceptions, so long as both parties agree.

"I think nowadays to try anything that we possibly can is a good option," said restaurant manager Todd Van Iderstine.

As a last resort, Moncton is also considering the expansion of patios into on-street parking areas.

"I think it's fabulous and it'll help out economically with the people that have been oppressed with going through COVID-19," said Chris Kaye.

Many of the restaurants and cafes in the downtown core say, with the significant drop in sales during the pandemic, that every added table outdoors will count.

"Right now, to expand even by a couple tables makes a big difference in helping us to get the cash flow to get through those hard months," said Van Iderstine.

Patios now have the green light to expand under bylaw enforcement.

But the plan for the one-way street and bike lanes will be revisited by city council on June 15.

If approved, the temporary project will run through the summer.