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Union claims Halifax coffee roaster 'illegally terminated' 9 employees

SEIU Local 2 held a press conference about its complaint against Java Blend on Jan. 31, 2024. (Courtesy: SEIU Local 2) SEIU Local 2 held a press conference about its complaint against Java Blend on Jan. 31, 2024. (Courtesy: SEIU Local 2)

The Service Employees International Union Local 2 has filed a complaint alleging Java Blend, a coffee roaster and café, in Halifax “illegally terminated” nine employees last week, although the company says the layoffs were due to financial difficulties.

According to a Wednesday news release from SEIU, the group has filed an Unfair Labour Practice complaint to the Nova Scotia Labour Board, alleging the termination of the nine employees — four of whom were leaders in a union drive — violated the Trade Union Act and was done “in retaliation for organizing a union” in the workplace.

“The Employer has enacted this retaliation under the guise of layoffs required to maintain financial stability,” the release reads. “In doing so the Employer has terminated only 25 per cent of the workforce, but a full 100 per cent of the Union’s organizing committee.”

In an emailed statement, Alex Lee, one of the owners of Java Blend, said the company has “struggled financially” since March 2020 and it has prioritized keeping staff in their positions.

“We will fully respond when we receive the complaint from the Union,” Lee said. “Layoffs were a financial necessity and in no way related to the certification application. The decision was the only way to avoid closing our café doors permanently so we can continue serving customers in a sustainable way.”

SEIU said it is seeking the immediate reinstatement of the nine employees and the reimbursement of any and all lost wages as part of the remedy.

According to its website, Java Blend is a premium coffee roaster that sources coffee beans from around the world.

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