New details have come to light in the tragic skiing accident in Maine that claimed the life of a Nova Scotia man.

Forty-one-year-old David Morse was an avid skier. He was on vacation with his family at the Sugarloaf Ski Resort when he lost control and crashed into a tree. He suffered severe chest injuries and internal bleeding and died on the way to the hospital.

For Morse's family, a terrible accident got worse. His wife, Dana, told the Chronicle Herald she was riding in the front passenger seat of the ambulance that was taking David to the hospital. When she realized her husband might die she asked to get in the back so she could hold his hand. That didn't happen; she says the driver left her by the side of the road instead.

David's death came as a shock to those who knew him.

"It was devastating for me personally, for all of our staff," says David's boss Michael Wark. "We're certainly gonna miss him. He was a big part of our team. It's not gonna be the same."

Wark says Morse was a leader, an inspiration to other managers. Morse coached basketball and soccer and was very involved in the community.

"He did the thing he loved to do, doing outdoor sports with his family," says Wark.

Morse leaves behind a wife and two boys, just 11 and 14 years old.