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Pandemic project: Hallways of N.S. school turn into magical Harry Potter wonderland


When you walk through the hallways of a school in Nova Scotia's Mahone Bay, you may feel like you're walking onto the set of a Harry Potter movie.

That's because parents at Bayview Community School have created Harry Potter-themed displays that cover most of the school's main hallways.

The displays feature a "Quality Quidditch Supplies" store, Diagon Alley's popular bookstore, "Flourish and Blotts," and even the Hogwarts Express train.

(SOURCE: Facebook/ Bayview Magic of Harry Potter)

Fans of the popular books and movies will also recognize scenes like the cupboard under the stairs, the Forbidden Forest, and the hallways of Hogwarts.

"There are a few little gems that come strictly from the books, but mostly it's from the familiar scenes that you see in the movies," said Christina Wentzell, a parent and co-creator of the displays. "We use a lot of movie stills to replicate things and make them as accurate as possible."

The magical creations began as a traditional Halloween fundraiser in 2019, but Wentzell said they decided to go bigger once the pandemic hit.

(SOURCE: Facebook/ Bayview Magic of Harry Potter)

"Then COVID-19 happened and so, it just got slowly extended overtime and got bigger and bigger," she said. "Until now, it's become a fundraiser of its own."

The displays, which are created from recycled cardboard, have been in the making for the last two-and-a-half years.

They will be open for public viewing between March 16 and March 19.

"Harry Potter stretches wide," said Lamar Eason, the principal of Bayview Community School. "So, there's a lot of folks that love the stories of Harry Potter and we're excited for people to be able to enjoy this as well."

Eason said there's also a deeper meaning behind the stories about the mythical school of magic.

"The story itself is about friendship, about connections, about trust, all those things," he said. "And it's just a good story. That is why we're excited sharing with others."

Admission to the displays is $5 a person, or $20 a family. The school says everyone is welcome, including “muggles” -- people who possess no magical skills or abilities in Harry Potter’s world.

All money from the fundraiser will go back to the school for guest speakers, field trips, school supplies and sports.

The event will also follow all COVID-19 restrictions, and will be set up as a controlled one-way walk-through. Top Stories

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