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Surviving the Streets: Saint John pamphlet offers support for homeless


A new pocket-sized pamphlet has been published by the Saint John Human Development Council to help those experiencing homelessness or other issues in the region know where they can turn to find help.

The guide is called ‘Surviving the Streets’ and lists the names and phone numbers of organizations throughout the city that offer services and support to those in need.

The guide includes resources for legal support, LGBTQ+ resources, addiction and mental health, abuse, and much more.

Jaidyn McCarty is the coordinator for the pamphlet, which she says took about a month and a half to compile.

“It’s accessible to anyone, it’s free to anyone so they can have it with them at any time,” says McCarty. “I’ve handed a couple out already to a couple of organizations and they’re so excited to get them, which proves that it is making a difference and they do benefit from it.”

The Saint John Human Development Council hosted its third annual 'Point In Time Count' back in April, which gives a snapshot of people experiencing what’s called absolute homelessness in the city.

Director of strategic initiatives Greg Bishop says they connected with about 100 respondents and about one in five of those were someone 24-years-old or younger.

“It’s concerning when we see that younger generation or younger age group who are considered absolutely homeless,” says Bishop, “Meaning to say that they are in either emergency shelters, transitional facilities, or out on the streets.”

Bishop says at times, when people are facing difficult circumstances, you can develop a sense of hopelessness and a feeling that there isn’t anyone out there that can help.

“And this is just part of a broader effort to ensure citizens of Saint John and other regions where we do work, that people are familiar with what services could possibly help out.” Top Stories

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