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Dartmouth, N.S., canoe club receives funding for sustainability upgrades

The Banook Canoe Club is pictured from the Banook Lake side where it's piers extend into the water. The Banook Canoe Club is pictured from the Banook Lake side where it's piers extend into the water.

The Banook Canoe Club in Dartmouth, N.S., announced Thursday it will make upgrades to reduce its carbon footprint with the help of funding from the provincial government.

The club will receive $332,500 from the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund to make the upgrades. They include:

  • rooftop solar panels
  • upgrades to heating and ventilation (HVAC) systems
  • replace five gas engines with electric engines on safety boats

Minister of Environment and Climate Change Timothy Halman said in a news release the upgrades will transform the canoe club into a sustainable facility that can be enjoyed by future generations.

“These types of projects are a testament to the community’s commitment to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly,” Halman said.

The president of the Banook Canoe Club Jim Johnson thanked the provincial government and the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund for their contribution to the club’s future.

“Key pieces of this green project are the HVAC system, the solar grid and electric safety boat motors,” Johnson said. “We are excited about dramatically decreasing our carbon footprint and contributing to improving the health of Lake Banook.”

The Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund is intended to assist municipalities, non-profits, post-secondary institutions and Mi’kmaw communities prepare, adapt and respond to the impact of climate change and help reduce emissions.

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