FREDERICTON - A sketch of David Coon, leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick:

Age: 61.

Hometown: Toronto.

Job before politics: A trained biologist, Coon spent about three decades as environmental advocate, much of it at the Conservation Council of New Brunswick.

Leadership history: Elected as party leader in 2012 and won legislature seat in 2014 - a first for the province's Green Party.

Key issue: Coon has criticized the Liberal government for missing the boat on investing in the green economy while honouring contracts signed with forestry companies giving them a bigger slice of the wood cut from Crown land.

What to look for on the campaign trail: Having backed an unsuccessful bill to lower the voting age in New Brunswick from 18 to 16, the Green leader seems well positioned to reach out to younger voters who may be looking for an eco-friendly alternative to the political status quo.

Did you know: Coon lists Acadian folk artists Lisa LeBlanc and Les Hey Babies as among his favourite musicians on his Facebook page.

Social media stats: More than 4,740 Twitter followers; about 450 Facebook followers.

Celebrity lookalike: Robert Picardo.

Quote: "Just think what can be achieved for New Brunswickers with more Greens in the Legislative Assembly ... a caucus of Green MLAs could even hold the balance of power. Let's work together to make it happen!"