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N.B. reports eight new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, active cases drop to 157


New Brunswick is reporting eight new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, along with 15 recoveries, as the total number of active infections in the province drops to 157.

"In particular we are concerned with the number of cases where we can’t establish a link to other cases," said Dr. Cristin Muecke, N.B. deputy chief medical officer of health during Thursday's news update.

According to Muecke, as of Thursday, 14 cases - 13 in the Moncton region and one in the Fredericton region - have been classified as community transmission, meaning the province can't establish the source of the infection.

Six new cases were reported in the Moncton region (Zone 1). Three cases are contacts of a previously confirmed case and three are under investigation.

Two new cases were reported in the Fredericton region (Zone 3), both related to travel.

There are currently four patients in hospital in New Brunswick due to COVID-19, with no one in an intensive care unit.


Dr. Muecke says although the Delta variant is driving fourth wave concerns in Canada, the Alpha is more prominent in New Brunswick right now.

Of the 157 active cases in the province, 74 have been classified as the Alpha variant, and three the Delta.

That leaves 80 active cases in which its identification is pending, or the viral load is too small to classify.

"Both of them are known to be more transmissible than the original version of the virus," said Dr. Muecke.

"But in terms of what people do on a day-to-day basis, and what protection measures they take, there's not a big difference in that respect. So, regardless of if it's Alpha or Delta, it's really important for you to pay attention to public health measures."

That includes wearing a mask indoors, limiting your close contacts and washing your hands.


As of Thursday, 74.2 per cent of New Brunswickers age 12 and older are fully vaccinated and 84 per cent have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

In total, 1,101,497 vaccine doses have been administered in New Brunswick.

The province says they have recently seen a rise  in vaccination bookings, with the average number of weekly appointments increasing from about 6,000 to 8,000 at health network clinics and participating pharmacies.

“This increase and the fact that hospitalizations are low are encouraging signs,” said Health Minister Dorothy Shephard in a news release. “As we head into the fall, I am hopeful that even more New Brunswickers will choose to get vaccinated. We know this is the best tool we have to protect ourselves and our loved ones.”

All eligible New Brunswickers can book their second dose appointments now for a date that is at least 28 days after their first dose.

If you have an appointment for a vaccine but were able to get vaccinated sooner elsewhere, please be sure to contact your pharmacy or regional health authority clinic to cancel the appointment you no longer need. This will help ensure that someone else in your community can obtain their vaccination sooner."The majority of these new cases continue to be among those who are not fully vaccinated, whether by choice or because they are not yet able to receive a vaccine," added Muecke.

"If you are not vaccinated, there are steps you can take to protect your own health and the health of those around you. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, maintain two metres between yourselves and others whenever possible, stay home if you don’t feel well, watch for symptoms of COVID-19 and get tested in symptoms emerge," said Muecke.If you have not yet had your first or second dose, you are encouraged to go to a mobile or walk-in clinic or to book an appointment through a participating pharmacy or at a Vitalité or Horizon Health Network clinic.


New Brunswick has had 2,705 cumulative cases of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.

In total, 2,501 people have recovered, and 46 people have died in the province from COVID-19.

Public health says 2,091 tests were completed in New Brunswick on Wednesday. A total of 404,751 tests have been processed since the start of the pandemic.

The number of cases are broken down by New Brunswick’s seven health zones:

  • Zone 1 – Moncton region: 720 confirmed cases (89 active cases)
  • Zone 2 – Saint John region: 331 confirmed cases (17 active cases)
  • Zone 3 – Fredericton region: 497 confirmed cases (28 active cases)
  • Zone 4 – Edmundston region: 757 confirmed cases (2 active case)
  • Zone 5 – Campbellton region: 188 confirmed cases (no active cases)
  • Zone 6 – Bathurst region: 148 confirmed cases (4 active cases)
  • Zone 7 – Miramichi region: 64 confirmed cases (17 active cases)


Anyone with symptoms of the virus, as well as anyone who has been at the site of a possible public exposure, is urged to request a test online or call Tele-Care at 811 to get an appointment.  


A previous version of this article said six new cases were reported in New Brunswick on Thursday. This has been corrected. Top Stories

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