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N.S. voice actor shares skills heard on animated films, TV series


The next time you're watching your favourite animated film or TV series, you may just hear the incredible voice work of Ian Hanlin.

"The one that seems to get immediately recognized is I was on ‘My Little Pony,’ along with many other Vancouver performers. I was Sunburst the pony," said Hanlin during an interview with CTV Atlantic's Katie Kelly.

The Nova Scotia actor moved to Vancouver and began voice performing 14 years ago.

"I think if you talked to folks that I went to school with and you said this is what he's doing for a living, I think a lot of them would go, ‘Oh, that makes sense,'" he said.

"I remember watching cartoons over the weekend and then going to school on Monday, like elementary school, and doing the whole episode."

Hanlin's extensive credit list includes the Lego franchise, “Angry Birds,” and many more.

"Most recently, I'm on ‘Sonic Prime.’ I got to play a couple of characters on there and that's just been a delight, especially because my nephews like that one, so that's been a big... that got me some points," he said.

Hanlin says it's always surreal to hear his voice on screen.

"I just hear myself really, which is so bizarre. Every once in a while I've managed to fool myself and those are like, the big wins where I'm like, 'Wow. I don't hear myself in there at all. That's a good one,'" said Hanlin.

"And it's always kind of vindicating when someone you know says, 'That was you?'”

Hanlin says he loves having a range of characters he can play.

"With voice, I can play a huge guy, I can play a little guy, I can play everything in between and that's really been fun," he said.

"Everybody who got into this crazy business in the first place just wanted to try as many different things as possible, so that's been really, really the best part I think." Top Stories

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