Police in Halifax are investigating a child pornography complaint after a photo of a partially-nude female student was circulated by a male student at a high school.

Doug Hadley, a spokesperson for the Halifax Regional School Board, said the female student complained to administration at Cole Harbour’s Auburn Drive High School on Wednesday that the photo was being circulated without her consent.

Hadley said school staff spoke with the male student who confirmed he shared the photo.

On Thursday, staff at the school shared the information with the school’s liaison officer, who then contacted police.

School staff have spoken with the parents of both students as well as a number of other students who may have received the photo.

At this point, the school is not certain how the student obtained the photo.

Police are investigating the incident but no arrests have been made.

Hadley said there will be consequences for the student who shared the photo as his actions would be considered severely disruptive behaviour in the school's code of conduct.

He also said the school has been active in promoting what it means to be a good digital citizen and that students launched a “Stop and Think Before you Text” campaign last fall.