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Police stepping up patrols in downtown Sydney


A rise in vandalism and theft in downtown Sydney is something that's been on the mind of business owners and municipal officials.

“Before this job I had a business and we always advocated for police presence in our downtown,” said Michelle Wilson, executive director of Sydney Downtown Development Association.

Starting next week, Cape Breton Regional Police say they will assign an officer to Charlotte Street on foot.

Extra patrols will also be added to try and curb crime and give shoppers a sense of safety.

“What I hear from our merchants is that they notice a real positive impact when we do have police presence here,” said Wilson.

Sydney is not the only maritime city where beat cops are on the radar. There have been calls in both Moncton and Halifax for more food patrols to combat crime in those city’s downtown areas.

“I can say we just had our police commission on Monday and Commissioner Tracey mentioned some of the police that have been walking throughout his district in Glace Bay and made a noticeable change in people recognizing that,” said Eldon MacDonald, CBRM councillor.

MacDonald, whose district includes downtown Sydney, says with the revitalization project underway and the new NSCC nearing completion, people need to feel safe in the area.

He says a recent festival in the downtown core was well attended.

“So its proof that people want to come downtown and people are happy to come downtown and they feel safe coming downtown, but speaking for everybody, there's always going to be people apprehensive for whatever those reasons may be,” said MacDonald.

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