A centuries-old church was on the move in Rexton, N.B. today after a successful fundraising campaign saved it from a wrecking ball.

After three weeks of preparation, St. Andrew’s United Church was moved about five feet forward on Monday. When all is said and done, its new home will be 20 feet from its original position, to allow for a new addition in the back.

The church was built in 1857. Fundraisers are optimistic about the church’s future and are hoping to turn the building into more of a community centre that will be open to all.

“We are hoping it will be used for many different events,” says Paul Warren, head of the fundraising committee. “Anyone has something they want to do, well, it is going to be available.”

Warrensays the first minister, who built the church, had a son who went on to do big things.

“Bonar Law was the son that, at a young age, moved back to England and became Prime Minister of England, after his father and mother had died,” says Warren.

Gwendolyn Reidpath is feeling upbeat about the church she has attended for the past 50 years. She says people come from far and wide to fill its pews.

“It means a lot to all communities in this area,” says Reidpath. “Richibucto, Rexton, any of the communities, the smaller communities upriver, West Branch, South Branch, Molus River.”

Dale Dickinson is an active member of the church, as were his great grandparents. He has three generations of family resting in the church cemetery.

Dickinsonsays many people came together to make the project possible.

“It’s nice to preserve history and have it carry on and be a part of it,” says Dickinson.

The project is projected to be completed in about two years, now that roughly half of the $700,000 needed has been raised.

With files from CTV Atlantic's David Bell