Some Q-League superfans in Cape Breton are being noticed for their love of the game.
Superfan Lee Crawley has been one of the fixtures at the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles games and people love their enthusiasm.
“The last game we were here, there was times it seemed like we were at a wake,” said Crawley. “It was right quiet. Come on guys, we need this. We want to show some support for our Eagles.”
Centre 200 does have a reputation of being a quiet place for games, but Crawley and others have a goal to get the crowd going, and the people talking.
“We are glad it took off. We didn’t know what the reaction would be like the first game, but it’s been nothing but positive,” said superfan Shaun MacDonald.
The Eagles organization took notice of the referee-dressed superfans, and is providing them with free tickets for the rest of the series to thank them for their support.
“It was just a respectful, entertaining atmosphere that they provided,” said Cape Breton Screaming Eagles President Gerard Shaw.
“So we invited them back to be behind the penalty box and we’ve given them seats behind the penalty box to keep that coming for the rest of the series.”
Superfans of the Q-League are nothing new. The first time the Memorial Cup was held in the region, Fred Best of Bathurst, N.B., was given the Top Fan Award for all of the Canadian Hockey League. Best is still a fixture at the Titan games today.
Back in Sydney, fans aren’t the only ones enjoying the company of Crawley and others; the players are appreciating the love as well.
“I talked to the coaching staff and the players afterwards and fun. They enjoyed it,” said Shaw.
Game 4 takes place Thursday at Centre 200 with the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles taking on the Rimouski Océanic.
With files from CTV Atlantic’s Kyle Moore