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'It's not just dog-friendly, it's dog-welcoming': N.B. bed and breakfast invites more than just people


Nestled right outside of Moncton, in Lower Coverdale N.B., a big yellow house is the loving home to four big dogs and while that seems like a full-house already, those who live there say there’s always room for more.

“Any amount of dogs are welcome, no additional fees, they’re allowed in the library, they’re allowed on the beds, we don’t care how much they shed, that’s all part of the experience,” said Jill Coady.

Coady, alongside her husband Rick Salisko and her sister Kathy Toner opened Sit & Stay, a bed and breakfast that not only allows dogs, but really welcomes them.

“We tried to build in everything we want when we’re travelling with our dogs, so really safe fenced-in areas, dog beds in the rooms, dog dishes, towels up there for the dogs, so we really tried to make it everything you’d want to enjoy travelling with your dogs and not just feel like you’re tolerated,” said Coady.

The B&B opened for its first full year in 2023, but not before the trio spent a lot of time converting both the house and the property into a dog-friendly and safe space.

“My brother-in-law, Rick, did a lot of work outside,” said Kathy Toner. “He put fence posts around, he double fenced it so it’s safe and secure. He created a paddock outback where he double fenced it as well, so it’s an area contained where people can bring their dogs, just go play, throw a ball and he fenced around, especially by the road, because it’s close to the road so he made sure it was high and double and safe for all the dogs, which is his number one priority.”

The Sit and Stay bed and breakfast in Lower Coverdale, N.B. (Alana Pickrell/CTV Atlantic)The main floor of the house features a library complete with three breakfast tables.

Upstairs one bedroom has an en suite bathroom and private balcony. The second room offers a larger floor area and a turret with a brand new en suite bathroom currently under construction.

The B&B showcases a love for dogs around every corner, from the outside double fences to the carefully picked interior décor to even the two bedroom names, which play tribute to those who came before.

“I call it the blue room, but it’s the Izzy Suite, she was a rescue. I got her as a puppy and she was my soulmate,” said Coady.

A suite at the Sit and Stay bed and breakfast in Lower Coverdale, N.B. (Alana Pickrell/CTV Atlantic)The other room named after Echo, a flat-coated retriever, who passed away last year.

“He was just so adorable and cuddly and good natured and just happy, a happy, happy dog, so that room for us is a very happy room so that’s why we named it after him,” she said.

Overall, it’s a puppy paradise, but it still models a typical bed and breakfast.

“Jill is the best cook, so the breakfasts here at the B&B are three course, top-notch,” said Toner. “Everything is homemade, locally-sourced and I love the presentation.”

A suite at the Sit and Stay bed and breakfast in Lower Coverdale, N.B. (Alana Pickrell/CTV Atlantic)The sisters, who are originally from Newfoundland, say this idea came to them in the last few years.

Toner sold her house in Riverview N.B., so she could buy right next door and be hands-on in the venture.

“We’re putting in a new fancy claw tub and comfortable stand-up shower. We always like to have something different so we have a black toilet, in this room we have a blue toilet, so that’s coming within the next month. Long term if we continue to do good business, we have the option to do a third room, which is what we’d like to do,” said Toner.

The goal is to offer a place to “Sit & Stay” that’s enjoyable for both the two- and four-legged guests who come to visit.

“It’s not just dog-friendly, it’s dog-welcoming,” said Toner.

The B&B opens at the end of May until November to give people a chance to explore what New Brunswick has to offer without leaving any family members behind.

“That’s the joy, is seeing dogs happy feeds my soul and makes me so happy and then their owners on top of that, loving having somewhere to actually relax and enjoy with their dogs, just make it all worthwhile,” said Coady. “It’s not work, it’s pleasure.”

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