If it’s true that good things come in threes, a Cape Breton family is full of good things.

Brenda van Zutphen recently gave birth to identical triplets – infant siblings for her three other children, all under the age of five.

The van Zutphen family says they fondly remember the day when they received their ultrasound results.

“Forty-five minutes later I asked ‘what’s taking so long?’” says Brenda. “Finally she told me ‘there’s more than one, there’s more than two, and I’m checking to see if there’s more.’”

“I didn’t believe her,” says Jan van Zutphen. “For a couple of days, really, I thought she was pulling my leg or something.”

William is easily distinguished by his patch of missing hair but it’s a little more difficult to tell Carson and Nate apart.

With six children under the age of five, the Skye Glen, N.S. family says it will take some time to adjust to their new life.

“Just the logistics of how it’s going to work, how we’re going to afford this, do that,” says Jan. “Where we’re going to live, have room for everything, vehicles, three of everything.”

The babies are fed on a cycle 20 minutes apart and their shelf full of diapers would be the envy of a department store. It’s a lot of work, but the van Zutphens embrace it.

“We’re doing great, with the help of family and friends,” says Brenda. “Couldn’t do it without our family.”

Five-year-old Olan and four-year-old Annika are delighted by their trio of new brothers. Olan says he looks forward to showing them the ropes on the family farm.

“Teaching them about cows and milking the cows,” he says.

The family is building a new home to accommodate their new arrivals. Through it all, they say they’re simply grateful.

“It’s a blessing,” says Brenda. “To have three healthy children is amazing.”

With files from CTV Atlantic's Ryan MacDonald