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'All of a sudden it’s everywhere': Graffiti a growing problem in downtown Sydney


You don't have to go far to find graffiti in downtown Sydney, N.S. – buildings, mailboxes, and other infrastructure have all been recently vandalized in the city.

“It has been a bit of a growing problem over the last year or so, it's one of those things that it creeps up one by one and then all of a sudden it’s everywhere,” said Michelle Wilson, executive director of Downtown Sydney Development Association.

Wilson says it's not just areas with easy access that have been plastered with paint, roof tops and difficult to reach sides of buildings have also been tagged.

“They're leaning over the roof, and I can't help but worry about the person's safety that’s doing it,” she said.

The vandalism is happening as a multi-million dollar makeover of Sydney's downtown core is underway.

“When you see new infrastructure go in – lamp posts, garbage cans, benches – you're hoping they're going to be respected and appreciated. We're dealing with it as best we can,” said Eldon MacDonald, Cape Breton Regional Municipality Councillor.

A program has been launched to help businesses cover the costs of cleaning up the graffiti. The Sydney Downtown Development Association will help with the removal.

“We need buy-in from the business community to make it successful. There are a lot of private businesses, private buildings that are being tagged and the owners aren't doing anything about that graffiti. We want to work with those building owners,” said MacDonald

There are already a number of professional painted murals in Sydney. Wilson says there are plans underway to offer space so more people can showcase their talents respectfully.

“I'm not really sure the motive to putting graffiti in places, but if it’s an outlet that they want, it would be better if it was in a designated location,” said Wilson.

Cape Breton Regional Police says mischief charges for graffiti can come with a fine and up to 10 years in jail.

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