SYDNEY, N.S. -- On Sydney's main thoroughfare on Thursday, all signs point to most businesses still being closed.
But at one shoe store, they're planning to reopen the first week in June on a limited basis.
"I don't think we were ever told we had to close our store," said shop owner Bruce Meloney."Other than they asked everyone to stay home, so we took that attitude and stayed home."
Meloney has been in business downtown for more than 30 years.
He says while he looks forward to reopening, it's a bit unclear what the protocol is for a store his size, and he feels the province should be taking the lead.
"At some point we need some direction, and it would be a lot easier coming from him because people are still nervous and they want to know it's okay," Meloney said.
Sydney's largest shopping outlet, the Mayflower Mall, is getting set to reopen Friday after being closed since mid-March.
While each individual store has rules in place and signage posted, the mall manager says there's no limit on how many people are allowed inside, and the only direction from the government is to stay six feet apart.
"Right now, we're around 70 businesses here at the centre and I think the third of the businesses will be open (Friday), and that's similar practices we're seeing across the country," said mall manager Greg Morrison.
Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil said Thursday how some of this reopening will be rolled out, saying he's been in talks with the province's business minister, who's been in contact with some store owners, about their concerns.
"We're going to say to our partners in the private sector, that here is the health protocols you need to follow and you can open your business under these guidelines and these rules," McNeil said.
Those protocols include practising physical distancing and washing your hands regularly and thoroughly.