After losing hundreds of traps Saturday from high winds, lobster fishermen in Glace Bay, N.S., are wary about this weekend’s weather.
Many fishermen are frustrated. They’ve have been spending time on land repairing lobster traps that were damaged in the storm instead of fishing.
“We should be out there catching lobster right now instead of fixing the traps,” says lobster fisherman Trevor Grechuk.
Those who had traps to set on Thursday couldn’t do so until mid-afternoon due to the weather.
"You're looking at 12 to 16-hourdays right now. We start at 4:30... 5:00. We’re not out of here until dark now,” says Grechuk.
"We're not getting a break. The weather's not giving us a break at all,” says Herb Nash, another lobster fisherman. “It's just rotten weather steady, ever since it opened."
With high winds and rain expected, many fishermen are hauling in their traps to prevent any more from being damaged.
The local lobster season started just started a week ago and some fisherman have lost thousands of dollars already.
"We're not getting back to normal this year. All we can hope is to scrape some kind of a year out of it. There's no way you can go back to normal after losing the first week and a half," says Nash.
Nash predicts there will be many who struggle to make their catch targets for the season.
With files from CTV Atlantic’s Ryan MacDonald