Maritimers have once again opened their hearts and their wallets to bring in more than $720,000 in support of the 48th annual Christmas Daddies Telethon on CTV.

Each year the telethon brings in thousands of dollars to distribute to children and families in need, and this year was no different.

"All the money goes back to where it came from so, you know, it's a great regional impact in the Maritimes," says CTV General Manager Mike Elgie. "We raise a lot of money for some very needy people at Christmas. It's just a great day."

The telethon aired Sunday on CTV and organizers say it wouldn't be possible without the hard work and dedication of hundreds of volunteers from across the Maritimes.

"Without these volunteers we just couldn't do it and it's just fantastic that everybody comes in and does their thing and I love it," says Roxanne Robinson, executive director of Christmas Daddies.

Viewers at home were treated to some home-grown entertainment as CTV broadcasted live from Sydney, Moncton, Charlottetown and Halifax and a familiar face from CTV's past also stopped in to join in the fun.

Former CTV meteorologist Steve Weagle was a guest host at the telethon and the event marked his first television appearance in over a decade.

"This is just an amazing experience to be invited back and to be able to help out for a day," says Weagle. "It's a real honour to be honest with you."

Groups, families and individuals also stopped in to present their hard-earned donations on-camera and many Maritimers came up with some unique ways to help out.

One group of children collected money from sponsors and camped out in a box overnight to raise funds for the cause and another individual offered to do 2,000 pushups over the course of the telethon.

Meanwhile, thousands of Maritimers turned on their televisions and called in to the telethon to offer pledges and to bid on auction items.

"It's now become an essential part of Christmas for so many people," says CTV anchor Steve Murphy. "We're grateful to these people who have supported something that started in very, very humble ways in this TV station all those years ago."

While yesterday's total came in over $720,000, a final tally is yet to be determined as donations continue to pour in across the region. But one thing is certain; thousands of Maritime children will have a brighter Christmas thanks to a tradition started 48 years ago.

Didn't donate? It's not too late! Christmas Daddies 2012 calendars are still available at Robins Donuts and Zellers locations across the Maritimes for $10 plus tax. All proceeds will go to Christmas Daddies. You can also make a donation online.

CTV would like to thank everyone who took part in the 48th annual Christmas Daddies Telethon!