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Community comes together for Three Fathers Run in Moncton


Around 500 runners and walkers gathered along Moncton's riverfront Sunday morning to pay their respects and honour the city's three fallen heroes.

The Three Fathers Memorial Run has taken place every Father's Day since RCMP constables Douglas Larche, Dave Ross and Fabrice Gevaudan were shot and killed on the night of June 4, 2014.

Before the event began, organizer Nadine Larche thanked volunteers, sponsors and participants who have supported the run over the past decade.

"We're here because of Doug, Dave and Fabrice. We're here because of their sacrifice to the community," said Larche.

The run is also a fundraiser that provides scholarships to students from the six high schools in the Greater Moncton area that the Codiac Regional RCMP serves.

Money is raised through registrations from the participants.

"We are super proud that this year we have now reached $135,000 that we've donated to local students," said Larche.

Larche said the tenth year for the run was special to her and she spoke about the RCMP anniversary ceremony that took place at Moncton's Honour Garden on June 4.

"The day was hard. It was a hard day, yet the ceremony was really touching to have familiar faces around and seeing the community and RCMP members continuing to support all of our families after," said Larche. "It's super important to me that we continue to support them and honour them for the work that they continue to do serving our community, protecting our community so that to me is very important."

Walkers and runners could choose between a three, five or ten kilometre trek on what was a perfect day under a bright sun.

The Three Fathers Run has taken place every Father's Day in Moncton, N.B., since 2014. (Derek Haggett/CTV Atlantic)

Everyone received a medal at the finish line presented by a member of the RCMP.

Brian Gillcash and his daughter Corena Walby have come every year.

"I'm a retired RCMP. So, they're my friends. That's why I come," said Gillcash.

Walby said she's thankful her dad was a Mountie and she gets to have him in her life right now where others do not.

"It's just so important for us to remember that not everybody has this opportunity. So it's just really important for us to commemorate this and so my sisters and I, we come ever year and my mother too," said Walby.

Nena Kennedy also ran on Sunday with her family.

"It's just a great community event to come out and support these families who have gone through such a tragedy and loss. To be there for them, it means a lot," said Kennedy.

Melissa Wright felt like she had to be there.

"I am in the RCMP. Both my sisters, both my parents," said Wright. "To be able to support the community, to pay respect to the fallen members and their families, it means the world to me."

Click here for a photo gallery of the Three Fathers Run

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