HALIFAX -- A store owner in New Brunswick is doing what she can to inspire her employees to embrace the great outdoors, while staying close to home.

With the COVID-19 pandemic now in its second wave, trips to sunny destinations are far out of reach for many. But one group of women isn't going to let the virus slow them down.

“We are going to walk to Hawaii,” said Betty Blanchard, owner of My Closet & My Home Consignment.

Well, they won’t exactly walk to Hawaii but they sure are going the distance. Nearly 9,000 kilometres is their goal -- the same distance it would take to get from Nova Scotia to Hawaii.

“That’s 10 million steps and through our journey, I’m going to give them random challenges,” said Blanchard.

Blanchard hopes her goal set out for her employees will not only help them embrace the outdoors, but teach them to not allow COVID-19 to crush their ability to escape, even if it’s in their own backyard.

“Being outside, it’s like my church, being outside in the woods, fresh air, just makes you feel physically better and 100 per cent mentally better, as well,” said Shelby Fallon, an employee of Blanchard’s.

With 12 people on their team, and a goal to complete the task in 90 days, the ladies are sure to have a lot of work to do.

The women need to cover 10,000 steps per day in order to reach their goal.

According to some sporting stores, these women aren’t the only ones on the move, with outdoor gear flying off the shelves at many stores.

“The primary driver has been shoes and footwear for sure,” said Luke MacDonald with Aerobics First in Halifax. “And this time of the year, it’s been really good to see the skis go like, crazy.”

MacDonald says he isn’t necessarily seeing a larger number of customers, but he has been seeing new ones.

“You really have two choices. Do nothing, or move, and in our world, the decision is always to move,” said MacDonald.

“The very first beach I can lay on safely, I’m there. I don’t really care where, but I’m definitely there, and hopefully in a little better shape when I get there,” said Blanchard.