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Indigenous, religious leaders in the Maritimes call on the Vatican to return artifacts


Indigenous leaders from Canada were given access to see artifacts held in the Vatican Tuesday, but they want to see the cultural items returned home.

"What they now need to recognize is that they hold things of ours that tell our story," said Cassidy Caron, president of the Metis National Council. “These are our priceless cultural works, and they do need to come home.”

Jeff Ward is the general manager of the Membertou Heritage Park. He says his facility, along with the Millbrook Cultural & Heritage Centre, are perfect examples of places where pieces of Indigenous history hidden in Rome should be displayed.

"Many First Nations communities right across Turtle Island have amazing institutions or buildings that they need to be returned to," Ward said. “You could claim they were gifts, but maybe they weren’t. So at least allow us to determine that, and allow us to see it."

David Deane, an associate professor at the Atlantic School of Theology, says amends have to be made, specifically on Canadian soil, for the incidents that occurred at residential schools.

He says it would help heal Indigenous and Catholic populations.

"I think the hope for everyone is that we will have an announcement soon about an upcoming papal visit to Canada in which the Pope offers a full and comprehensive apology," Deane said. "For Catholics whose history has been tarnished by the legacy of colonisation, I think this is an important stage in reconciling their identity as faithful Catholics."

In Membertou, N.S., Jeff Ward says while an apology is important, handing over the artifacts is also part of the real truth and reconciliation.

"Allow us in," Ward said. “Because right now, I've heard stories from my relatives that went there and they were not allowed to see."

Delegates in Rome are demanding compensation, the return of secret school records, and an end to protecting alleged perpetrators. Top Stories

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