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'It's an all hands on deck approach': P.E.I. government to assist with contact tracing, approves support services and programs


Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King says an increase in absenteeism is one of the impacts of the Omicron variant that the province is most likely to see in the coming weeks.

“As more people test positive, as well as their close contacts needing to isolate to do their part to stop the spread of the virus, we’re going to see some absenteeism around all parts of Prince Edward Island,” says King.

“To ensure that essential services are maintained in our province, we have activated an integrated response team made up of senior officials from CPHO, Health PEI, and other government departments, to ensure that government programs and services are not disrupted over the coming weeks, days, and months.”

King says the planning includes prioritizing essential services, such as programs for vulnerable Islanders and ensuring payment and support programs are administered without interruption. The premier says ensuring the safety of public servants is maintained is also a top priority.

“We have asked each department to renew and enact their business continuity plans in the last few days, as well as to identify staff who could be redeployed to essential services across government so that we can maintain these services for Islanders,” says King.

“All government employees who can will continue to work from home to limit the spread inside of government and beyond.”

Where in person work is required, the premier says the same measures that were in place at the beginning of the pandemic are continuing to followed, such as cohorting of staff, physical distancing, and mandatory masking.


Testing clinics on the Island are now limited to three main categories:

  • Individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19
  • Individuals who are close contacts of a positive case
  • Individuals who have tested positive on a rapid test

“I want to reiterate the importance and need of getting tested if you have any, and I mean any, symptoms of COVID-19,” says King.

Rapid tests are being distributed at P.E.I.’s points of entry, at testing clinics, and at some Access PEI centres.

“We have confirmed that the Government of Canada will provide approximately 300,000 additional rapid test kits in January, but as a provincial government, we have also been working to secure another 300,000 for the month of January through private suppliers,” says King.


King says government employees have been engaged to provide assistance to public health when it comes to contact tracing.

“Almost 80 per cent of the cases in P.E.I. are either related to travel or are close contacts. So the longer we can maintain appropriate contact tracing, the quicker we feel we’ll be able to curb the spread of COVID-19,” says King.

“It’s an all hands on deck approach to try assist public health in any way we can.”


Over the last few days, King says cabinet has met and approved a variety of programs and support services to assist Islanders.

“These programs include, but aren’t limited to, reinstating the $500 emergency payment for impacted workers. This program will be retroactive to Dec. 27, and will provide those who have seen a 25 per cent or greater reduction in their income a one-time payment,” says King.

“The program provides immediate relief for those impacted while they may await benefits from other programs.”

Application for this program is open online.

Islanders who are not able to work for less than 50 per cent of their scheduled shifts because they are sick, self-isolating, or awaiting test results, will be eligible to be paid through their employer through the COVID-19 Special Leave Fund.

“This fund is active now and can be accessed immediately through your employer,” says King.

Islanders who are not able to go to work for more than 50 per cent of their scheduled shifts are eligible for federal programs such as the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit, the Canada Recovery Caregiver Benefit, and the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit.

“For those individuals who do not qualify for the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit for example, because they do not fit in to certain parts of the criteria, who may be self employed for example, the Department of Economic Growth, Tourism, and Culture will be launching the Emergency Income Relief Program, which will provide $300 per week for those impacted by the reduction of income,” says King.


The Department of Social Development and Housing has established a partnership with 211 to provide assistance to those who may need food or other essentials because they are isolating.

“Anyone who needs assistance with essentials such as groceries, the dropping off of supplies, home heating assistance, or anything at all, can call 211 and they will be connected with the appropriate officials to provide these supports,” says King.


The Department of Education and Life-long Learning and the Department of Social Development and Housing have worked together to provide children across the province with a modified school lunch program.

“Registration will open today and there will be two deliveries made to participant’s homes next week. Each delivery will provide three meals for those registered,” says King. Top Stories

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