Many businesses, schools and government offices are closed in Moncton as police search for a man suspected of killing three RCMP officers and injuring two more. Many services in the city are suspended as well.


Champlain Place Mall

NB Liquor stores situated in Moncton, Dieppe, and Riverview are closed today,


University of Moncton

Crandall University

Schools in Anglophone East &  Francphone South school districts

City Hall

Magnetic Hill Zoo

Public libraries in Dieppe, Moncton & Riverview


Red Ball Internet Centre

Kay Arena-Crossman Community Centre

Atlantic Superstore – Trinity Drive, closed

Moncton courthouse

Provincial and federal government offices

Horizon Health - elective surgeries cancelled for June 6


Buses off the road (Codiac Transportation)

Canada Post not delivery mail today

No garbage pick-up today

Municipal Services cancelled