It seems if you're working for Atlantic Lottery Corporation, your chances of winning the lottery are getting higher. The number of big prize winners last year tripled.

In 2010-2011 the number of "non-arm's length" winners jumped 11.9 per cent. Last year they only went up 4.3 per cent.

That means one in eight winners who won prizes worth more than $25,000 went to someone connected to ALC.

The company uses the term "non-arm's length" winners to help identify people who work for ALC, suppliers for the company, or anyone who works at a store that sells tickets.

Last year 30 "non-arm's length" winners claimed prizes, two were later rejected.

ALC said the rise in numbers is normal, but people in New Brunswick are questioning the statistics.

The company began tracking their numbers four years ago after allegations were made that ticket sellers in Ontario were stealing the winning numbers.