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Legendary Canadian rock band April Wine returns to where it all started


A legendary Canadian band from the Maritimes is making its return to the region, and is set to perform Saturday in the province where it all began, all to fulfil the wish of one of the group's founding members.

April Wine is a staple in Canadian classic rock music, and is extra special to the Maritimes, forming in Nova Scotia nearly five-and-a-half decades ago.

Brian Greenway joined the band in 1977, making him the longest serving member. He says people are about to be a part of something special at their Saturday show.

“I remember seeing them for the first time, and it left an impression because they were the only band that played original material that was really good, and that was Jimmy and David and Richie and Myles,” Greenway told CTV’s Katie Kelly in an interview Friday.

Founding member of the band Myles Goodwyn retired from touring with April Wine last year, but he made it clear he wanted the group to continue on. Goodwyn also vouched for Montreal-based musician Marc Parent as a new singer for the band.

“I grew up in Ottawa. I was in a band in the '80s called Eight Seconds,” said Parent.

But was Parent always an April Wine fan?

“Duh,” said Parent with a smile.

He officially became a part of the band last spring, and he says he’s loved it.

“It's been incredible. It's been incredible. Absolutely. I mean, it's a dream come true,” Parent said.

“We started rehearsing and he had the ability to perfectly copy everything, the guitar work and the vocals, uncannily, just like Myles had. I couldn't have done it,” said Greenway.

Both members say it is a blessing to know they’re fulfilling Goodwyn’s wish.

“That it's approved of and it's what he wanted and we're fulfilling it,” said Parent.

“It gives me a sense of responsibility to bring my A-game at every gig and out of respect for what he's done. I see how the music touches everybody, so it makes me realize, ‘Okay, you better do the best you can out of respect for, you know, the legacy of this band.’”

Marc Parent and Brian Greenway admiring a Myles Goodwyn display at Casino Nova Scotia. (Katie Kelly/CTV Atlantic)That seems to be a sentiment that fans are giving right back.

“There's a little apprehension in the front, but after the third song, boy, they're there,” said Greenway.

“The reaction is very strong. At this stage of the game, I couldn't ask for more.”

Despite the group forming in Nova Scotia, Saturday night will be the first time this April Wine group has performed in the city.

“We're going to rock, we're going to rock like we do everywhere we play. We want people up and dancing and having a good time. We just want people to reminisce and enjoy the songs and enjoy the music,” said Parent.

April Wine will be performing at the Bruce Guthro Threatre inside Casino Nova Scotia Saturday night.

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