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N.S. gives $1.18M to municipal association to develop anti-racism plans

The Nova Scotia legislature is seen in this undated file photo. The Nova Scotia legislature is seen in this undated file photo.

Nova Scotia is giving $1.18 million to the Association of Municipal Administrators of Nova Scotia to develop equity and anti-racism plans.

According to a news release from the province, the funding will help municipalities and villages develop and implement these plans.

“We know that there are problems we need to address within existing government policies and programs that appear neutral but have the effect of disadvantaging underrepresented and underserved groups,” said Justice Minister Barbara Adams in the release. “The Province cannot do this work alone. We need to work with municipalities and villages to ensure this work reaches all areas of the province.”

In 2022 the province passed the Dismantling Racism and Hate Act, which recognizes systemic hate, inequity and racism in government policies and practices can harm underserved and underrepresented groups. The act requires public bodies develop plans to tackle racism, hate and inequity.

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