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N.B. art exhibit aims to spark a conversation on mental health


There are more than just books currently on display at Moncton’s Public Library, with local artists looking to spark an important conversation. Highlighting both good days and bad through artwork, 10 local artists, who all have lived experience with mental illness, have their pieces on display at the library this month.

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) of New Brunswick is putting on an art exhibit called See Me.

"There's an awful stigma with mental illness,” explained Denise Miller with CMHA. “I live with anxiety and depression and, you know, look at me. I'm Denise. I'm a mom, I'm a sister, I'm a daughter, a wife, I have a career. There's a lot of things about me, mental illness is a part of me, but it doesn't define me. So for us it's important that people recognize that everybody is a person first."

For artist Jim Inman, he says creating art keeps him grounded.

"It's a way for me to connect to reality and who I am. I have a schizoaffective disorder,” he said. “Earlier this year I was in hospital, like a relapse, believing that I didn't need my meds and I could do better without them, caused an episode so I'm recovering now, and without my art, I wouldn't be able to stay attached to reality."

With a focus on realism and multimedia, he is able to use art as a form of therapy.

"I'm always trying to depict reality because it kind of fits into my conversation that I'm aware of reality, but I detach from it. I break away from it, and sometimes it can be good when I'm feeling good and sometimes it can be not so good,” he said.

Currently, Inman has two pieces on display for the public, both of which he is donating to CMHA when the exhibit is over.

Officials say that the main point of the art exhibit is to help spark a conversation and continue to build a sense of community.

"See me -- the person, see me -- the artist. Don't just see me as an illness because I am so much more than that,” said Miller. “It's a part of me, but it doesn't define me."

Plans are already underway for next year’s show. Top Stories

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