BEECHVILLE, N.S. -- Just days after speaking out about a racially-charged letter posted anonymously on their door, a Maritime family has been targeted again.

On Thursday night, the Al Jamil family discovered nails strewn about their driveway.

"There were a whole bunch of them lined up where I park on the left side of the driveway," said Zinah Al Jamil, who believes the nails were left there to damage her tires.

Earlier this week, the Al Jamil family found a disturbing note left on their door. The letter read, “Maintain your yard or see what happens to you and your home if you don’t.

“You are not a Canadian and maybe this is how your home looks in your country, but we don’t want your messy yards and lack of upkeep ruining our community. Fix it now pig.”

Now, Al Jamil is concerned someone is making good on their threat.

“It’s affected the whole family,” she said.

The family is Lebanese. The sisters have lived in the city for more than 10 years, and are both Canadian citizens. Their parents moved to Halifax just three months ago.

“I don’t want anything to happen to my parents,” said Al Jamil. “It took us years to get them here, and our whole thing to bring them is that Canada is safe.”

Al Jamil says they are grateful for the kindness shown by their neighbours, who have been dropping off baked goods and notes of support.

The family has filed a complaint with police, and hope that someone can identify who is behind the threats.

"If anyone saw or heard about what happened to this family, I would certainly encourage them to come forward to police and let us know what they witnessed, just to help us with the investigation to help this family out,” said NS RCMP Cpl. Jennifer Clarke.

Police are not sure if this is an isolated incident, and are encouraging anyone else who may have been targeted to come forward.

With files from CTV Atlantic’s Marie Adsett.