Residents of a Cape Breton community are in for a fright as one of their neighbours channels the spirit of Halloween.

Jeff Peach has turned his Westmount, N.S. yard into a haunted maze called the Westside Cemetary.

“It's totally awesome, totally awesome,” says neighbor Alvin Brayon.

The maze includes a haunted trailer, a hangman's gallows, chemical alley, and more.

Thursday nights are for children and then the fright factor is jacked up on the weekends for the adults.

“On Friday, Saturday nights the adults are parental advisory. You know what your kids can handle. You can expect chainsaws, to be bumped into, your soul stolen and action,” says Peach.

Peach says the cost of creating the haunted maze is nearly $4,000, with help from local suppliers and neighbours who have turned this into a community event.

“The scaring, setups, I enjoy helping them build it all. It's just awesome, that's all I can say,” says Brayon.

“I love it,” says volunteer Shawn Henry. “We've been going at it for about four weeks now, getting prepared. It's a lot of work, a lot of late nights.”

Those who enter the maze will be given an orange flag for their shoulder. The flag represents their soul and as they make their way through the maze, participants will have to protect it from the spooky characters roaming the grounds.

“If you do, then we encourage everybody to take a picture in front of the gates with their soul in hand. They get labeled a soul survivor, we did have a few,” says Peach.

Peach says he hopes everybody will have fun and break out of their routine.

“Halloween gives you the opportunity to do something out of the box. You can give back to the community, people enjoy this and it's a lot of fun.”

The ghost and ghouls will continue to roam the haunted maze until Halloween night.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Kyle Moore