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Price of diesel up in Nova Scotia after interrupter clause invoked


The price of diesel oil jumped overnight in Nova Scotia.

It increased by 7.4 cents at midnight in the Halifax-area, bringing the new minimum price to 188.4 cents a litre.

In Cape Breton, motorists are now paying a minimum price of 190.4.

The province's Utility and Review Board said the change was necessary due to significant shifts in the market price of diesel oil.

The price of gas did not change.

For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated provincial page. Top Stories

Ontario MPP removed from PC caucus over 'serious lapses in judgment'

Premier Doug Ford has removed a member of his caucus due to what he’s describing as 'serious lapses in judgment.' In a statement released Friday morning, the premier’s office said MPP Goldie Ghamari had been removed from the Progressive Conservative caucus 'effective immediately.'

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