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Saint John economic agency launches new campaign to attract medical professionals


Saint John’s economic development agency is making a pointed pitch to attract and retain medical professionals.

“From our standpoint it’s a new area of focus,” says Andrew Beckett, interim CEO of Envision Saint John.

The new campaign called ‘A Healthy Dose of Innovation in the Saint John Region’ markets the area as a hub for digital health and technological advancement, in addition to highlighting partnerships between the Saint John Regional Hospital and nearby post-secondary institutions. The campaign also touts the area’s quality of life and natural setting as selling points.

Beckett says the agency’s attention to healthcare is closely tied to the area’s economy as a whole.

“When we’re looking at population growth, access to healthcare is an absolute critical component to attracting and retaining people generally,” says Beckett. “We wanted to make sure that we were doing our part.”

The health care sector in Saint John employs about 8,300 people, or one out of every eight workers, and according to Statistics Canada, leads the area’s total payroll (about $432,000).

A panel discussion on the local recruitment of medical professionals was hosted by the Saint John Region Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, following similar efforts from other communities

“Money is great, but it’s about work opportunity, it’s about colleagues, it’s about creating a happy work environment and where people feel valued,” says Dr. David Marr, the Horizon Health Network’s medical director for the Saint John area. “That goes beyond money.”

About 50,500 New Brunswickers didn’t have a family physician last spring, according to figures provided by the province’s department of health. Updated numbers were not made available by the province on Wednesday.

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