A Saint John homeless shelter for youth is slated to close its doors for good after less than a year in operation, due to a lack of funding.

Safe Harbour, located in the city’s south end, is a 10-bed emergency and transitional housing facility for youth experiencing homelessness in Saint John.

The shelter opened in March 2015. According to a news release, Safe Harbour has been operating at, or near, capacity since its third week of operations.

However, the shelter says it is no longer in a financial position to maintain operations.

Layoff notices have been sent to staff and alternative housing arrangements are being made for the youth currently staying at the facility.

“We are very disappointed to have to take this step. We will continue to work with stakeholders and funders to resolve this difficult situation, and sincerely hope to be able to reopen the facility in future,” said the Safe Harbour board of directors in the release.

The shelter will close its doors on Jan. 29.