With smartphones, tablets, apps, and other technology, the amount of information people need to remember has been dramatically reduced, as devices do it for us. However, one 16-year-old Nova Scotia student is far from forgetful and recently achieved the distinction of being an international master of memory.

Evan Xie is now one of just 160 people in the world to receive the distinction of being an international master of memory, after successfully competing in China this past December.

“I’m good at some images, numbers, and cards,” says Xie.

To become an international grand master of memory, Xie had to complete tasks such as recalling a sequence of 1,000 numbers and memorizing 12 decks of cards.

His new status turned him into a star in his native China. Back at school in Windsor, N.S., he's an A student who is cheered on by his classmates.

“It’s just astonishing that someone can do that,” says student Tristan Kimbal.

Xie doesn’t use memory tricks or shortcuts, he sees the numbers or cards and imprints them on his brain.

“He was two hours a day, every day, for six months, just preparing his mind above being a student, above regular school work and sports and everything else,” says Chris Strickey, with King’s-Edgehill School.

Before the competition, Xie was practicing 10 hours a day.

“I practiced a lot for that, so it was just like normal life for me,” says Xie.

Despite the fact that Xie is only in grade 10, his school says he has already received a scholarship offer.

With files from CTV Atlantic's Kelly Linehan