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Charlottetown bicycle community says new roundabout could be dangerous to cyclists


A major intersection in Charlottetown is set to be replaced with a roundabout. The city says it will improve traffic flow, but cyclists say it will cut them off.

Everyone seems to agree – the intersection needs to be fixed.

Currently, three major streets, Belvedere Avenue, Brackley Point Road, and Saint Peters Road, all converging at a sharp angled triangle.

The biggest problem the intersection creates is between Belvedere Avenue and Brackley Point Road. The triangle causes a double light where drivers have to stop, pull through, and sometimes stop again before getting out of the intersection.

That makes things confusing for drivers in the intersection.

The city has a plan. They’re replacing the intersection with a roundabout.

However, not everyone is happy. Bike Friendly Communities PEI is raising concerns about the lack of active transportation infrastructure in the plan.

“Messaging from the city is everywhere, that we wanna reduce traffic, reduce carbon emissions, promote a culture of cycling, and seeing this project go forward without any indication that was considered,” said Isaac Williams, Bike Friendly Communities PEI spokesperson. “It’s contrary to all these stated goals.”

The roundabout is set to be surrounded by push bottom crosswalks, but the only options for cyclists is to join car traffic in the roundabout, or dismount and use the crosswalks as a pedestrian.

Williams says neither of those options are as safe for cyclists as a mixed-use path or dedicated bike lane.

“We’re really limited on how much land we have out there that is owned by the city that we can work on,” says Scott Adams, Charlottetown manager of public works. “That’s really the constraining factor for allowing us to integrate more active transportation.”

Williams understands there are space limitations, but says that doesn’t mean the city can ignore active transport in the redevelopment.

“There are examples of active transportation lanes being incorporated into roundabouts,” he says. “We don’t have to reinvent the wheel with this project.”

Bike Friendly Communities PEI is set to meet with city officials Wednesday, who told CTV News they're happy to hear community concerns.

Williams says he’s optimistic they’ll be able to come to a creative compromise. Top Stories

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