A community closet in Fredericton is allowing anyone to walk in and take any type of clothing for free – no questions asked.

Co-ordinator Katie Haggerty says it started with a small idea.

"This actually began in a closet in the global offices of the YMCA,” she said. “There was a need for work-ready clothing but it quickly grew bigger than a closet.”

When the YMCA moved, it opened up a larger space. It’s now held in a squash court.

"It just kind of exploded,” Haggerty said. “There's a need for all of it."

It's a sentiment shared by the YMCA, which says the community closet fills that need.

"It can be people who don't have very much money, or it can be people who have money but they have to afford other things, food, and other things come first. Clothing maybe isn't their first priority," said YMCA director of marketing Kevin Lemieux.

The building that houses the community closet is now known as the Cultural Centre. It's also where the cultural market and multicultural association are located, so many who use the closet are newcomers.

"(Newcomers) were some of the first to start donating back,” said Haggerty. “It just amazes me. They come with nothing, and you know, are happy to give back here."

But the organization is always in need of help itself. The latest initiative is an “Adopt-a-Hanger” program for cash donors.

It's the kind of creative thinking Kate Haggerty loves about her work.

"I'm so fortunate to be able to do this,” she said. “I get to feel good every day, I get to meet some really amazing people. I don't know how some people do it. I've heard some pretty amazing stories. Makes me appreciate everything I have."

A sentiment that's certainly appropriate for this weekend of giving thanks.

With files from CTV Atlantic’s Laura Brown.