Hi Everyone!

There’s a new trend on the scene, and I had to try it out. 

“Tildaing” was inspired by actress Tilda Swinton who earlier this week performed “The Maybe” at New Yorks’ Museum of Modern Art. 

The Oscar-winner literally laid in a glass box as onlookers took in the art of her sleeping. 

Doesn’t sound so creative to me, but who am I to judge?

Anyway, as you can imagine, it became fodder and fuel for pop culture followers every where, and soon enough regular folks (like me) were mimicking her artistic impression. 

Check out my “Tildaing” photos (right).  My favourite is the one with Cindy Day in the background.  Cindy, Amy and Andrea didn’t flinch when I jumped up on the counter and took a cat nap.  I love my coworkers… and my job.

Another big shout-out to colleagues Jayson Baxter and Brian Norman who had no problem carrying on with business as I leaped on the Tildaing band-wagon!

As for the other CTVers who stood by puzzled as these photos were taken... thanks for not pointing and laughing... not in front of me anyway ;)


The Viral File
And here’s what’s trending today..

Would you pass the ultimate friend test?

Sneaky toddler...

From the mouths of babes...

Too cute…

Thanks for stopping by!

PS. Hope you’ll “like” me on Facebook and “follow” me on Twitter.