FREDERICTON -- The death of RCMP Cpl. Ron Francis, who helped draw attention to post-traumatic stress disorder among emergency first responders, is a terrible loss that underscores the need to deal with the issue, the RCMP's commanding officer in New Brunswick said Tuesday.

"It's unfortunate that this condition, if you will, took over and consumed him, but he didn't let go," assistant commissioner Roger Brown told a news conference at RCMP headquarters in Fredericton. "His goal was to try to make some sense of it himself and to bring an awareness to what this is all about."

Francis was found dead Monday afternoon at the Kingsclear First Nation. It appears no one else was involved in his death but Brown wouldn't provide any details about the circumstances of how Francis died.

Brown said the police force was doing all it could to get Francis the support he needed, meeting with him as recently as Sunday.

"I know there will be much speculation about why this happened and assumptions may be made," Brown said. "Unfortunately this is not the outcome that I would've hoped for, that I would've anticipated."

Francis, who served with the Mounties for 22 years, made national headlines last year after he complained that he wasn't allowed to smoke medicinal marijuana for PTSD while in uniform.

Last November, Francis returned his red serge uniform, saying he was doing so on orders from his superiors, and accused the RCMP and the federal government of not doing enough to support officers with PTSD.

At the time, the RCMP said its officers who are prescribed medicinal marijuana should not be in red serge or regular uniform while taking their medication as it wouldn't portray the right message to the public.

Brown said Tuesday the uniform still belonged to Francis. He said his goal was to have Francis, who was on leave from the RCMP, return as a contributing member of the force.

"This wasn't a pot-smoking issue. This wasn't a red serge issue," Brown said. "This was a cry for help and a need to raise the awareness as to what PTSD really is within the organizations that we all work for."

T.J. Burke, a friend of Francis since childhood who was also his lawyer, said the RCMP helped get him into a program in British Columbia for people coping with PTSD. But Burke said he believes the Mounties could have done more to support Francis.

"To feel not supported was very difficult for Ron and I think that caused quite a bit of pressure on him," Burke said.

"At the end of the day, I believe they made their best efforts, but I'm hard-pressed to say they did everything they could."

He said the federal and provincial governments need to set up centres with experts to offer care for frontline responders who have PTSD symptoms.

Francis pleaded guilty last month to assaulting four fellow RCMP officers and was to be sentenced next month.

Provincial court heard that in December, officers confronted Francis on a Fredericton street in an effort to take him to hospital for a mental health assessment. Francis pushed one officer and during the ensuing scuffle, he punched another officer in the face, giving him a bloody nose.

A month later, the RCMP received a call from Francis saying that "things were not going well for him." Police went to Francis' home and believed he was under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested for breaching a judge's order not to consume or possess alcohol.

Francis was then taken to the RCMP detachment in Oromocto where he pushed one officer and grabbed another by the shirt and pushed him.

Chief Gabriel Atwin of the Kingsclear First Nation said his community remembers Francis as a role model, particularly for youth.

"Through pain we choose to celebrate his life and honour the character of the man we knew," Atwin said in a statement. "The depth of loss we feel only proves that a life of service to one's community earns the respect of all."

This is the complete statement issued by Assistant Commissioner Roger Brown, Commanding Officer RCMP New Brunswick regarding death of Cpl. Ron Francis:

It is with great sadness that I have to confirm the death of one of our members.

Late yesterday afternoon, our members responded to the Kingsclear First Nation where the body of Cpl. Ron Francis was discovered. The investigation is ongoing but at this point, it appears no one else was involved in his death.

I know there will be much speculation about why this happened and assumptions may be made. The RCMP had been working with Ron to do everything we could to get him the support he had asked for and needed. Out of respect for him and his family, I cannot get into the specifics of what was taking place nor am I going to get into the details surrounding Ron’s death.

Cpl. Francis was a proud member of the RCMP for almost twenty-two years and he will be missed. Ron helped shine a light on post-traumatic stress disorder affecting emergency first responders. Mental illness is something that still carries a stigma and it is important as a society that we not only continue to talk about this very real issue but work to find ways to address it.

This is a terrible loss for the RCMP Family and the community. Ron’s family is grieving, and our thoughts and prayers go out to them as we continue to offer them ongoing support.