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Islanders making steps against family violence in Charlottetown


Dozens of Islanders walked silently through the streets of Charlottetown Wednesday, to raise awareness for P.E.I.'s Family Violence Prevention Week.

The walk is a chance for survivors and allies to show support for those experiencing abuse at home.

"We hold a walk in silence to commemorate victims who are unable to speak out,” said Danya O'Malley, chair of Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention. “Often victims are very silenced in their experiences and what's happening to them, so we walk and show our support because they may not be able to."

The theme this year is healing communities.

Several groups who offer supports to people going through family violence took part.

"It happens more than people really understand,” said Sarah Dennis, with Community Legal Information. “It's not just physical violence."

It also includes emotional and financial abuse.

Many participants see firsthand the impact of family violence on a daily basis and some have experienced it themselves.

"Solidarity is what keeps us going,” said Lucky Fusca, with the PEI Transgender Network. “Healing is not a linear path, so in moments where we feel like we need that support, to turn to community and see how many folks show up, is very healing."

Advocates encourage allies to make their voices heard.

They say awareness can be particularly important for underserved communities.

"You would think that violence, and gender based-violence is a topic that people are aware of,” said Maria Gomez, a peer support worker with BIPOC USHR. “I don't think that there's ever too much information about gender-based violence."

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