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Maritime craft brewery has tapped into something special


Sussex Ale Works knows when it comes to pairings, some things just work better together, and in their case, combining beer and community initiatives just works.

“Last year we decided that there were many deserving community organizations here in Sussex that we wanted to give back to and so we came up with the idea of a giving tap,” said Sussex Ale Works chief experience officer, Alaina Lockhart.

“So each month we designate one of our ten taps and each pint poured on that tap for the entire month generates a dollar donation for a local organization.”

Each month “The Giving Tap” supports a new cause and while it doesn’t have to be right in Sussex, Lockhart says it needs to at least have strong local ties.

“One of the things we endeavour to do with The Giving Tap is make sure that we give a little bit of profile to those organizations as well so it’s not just a straight donation, by having the tap and posting that we’re doing this then we’re able to share their mission with the greater community too,” she said.

A hanging tag shows what tap is currently "The Giving Tap." (CTV/Alana Pickrell) For example, last summer they helped support the Saint John Hospital Foundation, which although it’s not in Sussex, has a huge local impact.

The hope is that it also gives people in the community a chance to stay up to date.

“One of the stories that I really appreciate [is] last year we supported one month Guitars for Vets and we heard from a spouse of one of the vets that he didn’t even know about the organization and because he heard about it through this, he reached out and was able to get a guitar,” said Lockhart.

“He took some lessons and she said it was really great for him and so that’s heartwarming. That’s exactly what we want to see happen.”

January’s tap is LBS Kölsch, a light German-style lager that is supporting the Strays of Sussex, also known as S.O.S.

S.O.S is a volunteer, non-profit organization that helps stray and abandoned cats in the Sussex area.

“When we started off we just thought we’d help a few cats here and there as we can, last year we helped 529 cats and our vet bill was over $93,000,” said one of the founding members, Terri Peck.

“So to have the community support and from businesses, not just from community members, has been what’s kept us going for the last four years.”

Peck says S.O.S didn’t even know that Sussex Ale Works was going to put them on the giving tap, and she only found out when she saw the post on social media.

“It’s awesome,” she said.

“We’re sharing it everywhere in hopes that people will go and not only support us but support the local business and then it’s a real boost in the moral wise to have a local business supporting a local charity. It’s nice to work hand-in-hand and work together.”

She says that over the last few years, S.O.S has seen an increase in demand especially with people dealing with the current housing market, reno-victions, and not being able to find new homes with their pets.

“Every little bit helps, every penny we get in, cash-wise, goes directly to our vet,” said Peck.

A glass of beer is seen at Sussex Ale Works in New Brunswick. (CTV/Alana Pickrell)

Sussex Ale Works celebrated five years in business this past fall and has expanded to two locations since first opening.

Lockhart said at the heart of the entire business is the community and providing a space that people feel comfortable going to and catching up at.

“We have built this business to serve the community and we certainly appreciate the support of the community and we feel strongly that if the community is going to support us that we need to support the community,” she said.

Now as the initiative heads into its second year, Lockhart said the plan is for The Giving Tap to just keep on giving.

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